Monday, January 12, 2009

My job @ Wal Mart

Ok, I know there are forums for Wal Mart etc. I'm not going to whine, complain, or put them on a pedestal so I'm here talking about it.
It's a job. I've never worked @ a place with so many employees so it's a new experience. Also I either ran or helped my husband with his business endeavors for the past 17 years so working for someone else is different. I've been a commercial artist, a hostess, worked @ a day care, worked for the census bureau and was a real estate agent too so I've worn many hats, those are just the biggies, I had my emt license and did telemarketing too and was an ebay powerseller. I ran my husbands trucking business, that's the biggie, we farmed too, won't talk about that, and I helped him in FL and MS when he had a crew down there cleaning up after Wilma and Katrina. (I was the main errand runner, my job was going to towns with half the stores blown down, most of the others closed, with missing street signs and finding things we needed or scoping out the next property to be cleaned up, I LOVED it)
Right now I'm just glad to have the job, I would like to be able to do ebay and my freelance web work (see, blatant plug, she gets enough business I get extra work) but Wal Mart has insurance and I do get to get out of the house, working in your pajamas is not all it's cracked up to be if you work over 12 hours a day! I could have gotten a job better suited to my talents probably but I didn't want a desk job and Wal Mart called so there I am. Be nice to your Wal Mart worker, they could write about it! One added benefit, I've lost weight, like 10 or 20 lb and still going!
Anyway my Wal Mart started a new experiment, we used to have a Mc Donalds, they've used it for displays and extra seasonal items, now it's clearance and it's "my" dept or it was when I left work, we've been working on it for about a week now. Not really a department because I'm a lowly cashier but I keep it neat and clean and stock it and try to make room for new items which makes it my department I guess? I've only worked there 7 months (previously in another department, I really don't cashier much, don't mind doing it @ all because the big store manager cashiers all the time when we are short handed) but I did manage a fairly large business for years. Nobody has said anything but I'm sure there are some who are going "how come SHE gets to do that?" Probably because I CARE how things look and work even when the managers aren't looking? Just had to get that off my chest.
Anyway the idea with the "new" clearance department is to get the clearance all together and make it neater and more accessible, so far it's been a big hit, I spend most of my day trying to decide what I need to move where to make more room for the next item.
I'll keep writing about it but I have to get up @ 5 am so better make this short.

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