Monday, May 18, 2009

Life Changes

Just when you think life will go on like it is it changes. I've been waxing rather philosophical lately and there is a reason. My life or my future has changed drastically in the last month or so. I hesitate to write about it because I don't want to jinx it but as Monaliza has pointed out in her blog Hypnotic Visualization I have to own my life and dreams and visualize positive things. Also it's funny but my friend SquirrelQueen posted about a river today and how it ebbs and flows like our own lives on The Road To Here today. When Monaliza commented on my beautiful garden home it was all the more poignant because I knew I would be leaving it.

What's the big change, it's all good, the answer to our prayers actually. Husband has a new job. The problem, it's 700 miles away right now and possibly further later on. The benefits? Retirement, excellent pay, being able to pay our BILLS (notice capitalization!) and save, we will get to see each other every day, husband won't have to fight for truck loads and drive all night on icy roads as I stress. The drawbacks, it's so far away from friends family and home although I'll get to come home often. We had just decided to bite the bullet and we both work after being in business for ourselves for years then this job comes along and it's just too good to pass up. We have family here (police officers next door!) that will take care of the house and probably one of the kids will move into it. If so we will build a new one that is smaller and more sensible (we will probably build a shop or storage building and move out of this house so the kids can really use it) but we were just getting this one whipped into shape after being gone 2 years cleaning up after hurricanes. I won't have to work but will do something because I've always helped my husband in his business. We have a really nice 5th wheel to live in while we are away from home that we bought while cleaning up after hurricanes.

So life changes. I never thought I'd be thinking about building a new house, that part isn't set in stone yet but it's a possibility (the first time I've even considered it). I'll be @ home most of the summer, we are doing this all gradually, planning the smart way for once. As my daughter told my husband (her stepfather) "it's too good a job, no complaining and no quitting and could you take my husband too?" His daughter told him he could always step in a pile of poop and come up with a rose. Old saying in case you aren't familiar with it. Hopefully all 7 kids will come visit us often. I'll still be blogging, the younger dogs will come with us, the cats and older dog will have to stay here (6 cats in a camper don't work no matter how big it is) but there will be people here they are all used to so it will be fine. Life changes and stays the same. What stays constant is the people who truly matter.


  1. Hi TC,

    That is a big change but sounds like it is a very good one. Also looks like a plan has been made and things will all work out.
    Just look at it as a new adventure. Good looking 5th wheel, having it will make all go much smoother.


  2. It is a big change, we've done things like this before, just not this suddenly, we only talked about it seriously like a day.
    Getting the 5th wheel was funny, I'd picked out one on ebay and then we went and looked locally @ a dealer when we were home over a holiday. It was between this one and a brand new one with fireplace, this one was actually built better. I got home and realized I had pictures of the same 5th wheel from ebay on my computer only in a different color scheme! We should have sold it but the economy tanked and now I'm thankful we didn't.

  3. I think you and I are probably a lot alike when it comes to change we just adapt and go with the flow. That's amazing about the 5th wheel, it really looks nice.
    Oh, by the way you have an award at my photo blog, come over and have a look.

  4. SquirrelQueen THANKS!!!
    I do try to adapt when it comes to change, sometimes I do rebel though.
    It is a nice 5th wheel, nicer than the house. :-)

  5. It all sounds wonderful to me. I love the 5th wheel. My gosh! When you're finished with it, can I live there?

    Good luck with your new adventures. I have a feeling it's going to be all good...!

    Keep us posted.

  6. Thanks Jo, so far it's all going ok, that is other than the adjustment for him living in the camper and me up here but that will change.

    Thanks chicamom85, you have a new follower!
