Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Joined Twitter Thus I Tweet

CNN said this may be the beginning of the end or the beginning of something big for Twitter? Link to CNN story on Twitter here.

I joined yesterday, the day Aston Kutcher got 1 million tweets and Oprah tweeted for the first time so it's a momentous day all around. I just think it's sort of weird but probably more people joined yesterday than any time before. I'm still a baby tweeter, trying to figure it all out.

Right now I'm following mostly animal tweets and self improvement, a few blogging or twitter gurus, my id is TCblogger. I always thought my grandkids would be impressed with things like this but they never are. (they weren't with the sports car grandma used to drive, they really worried when I traded in one of grandpas trucks for a more sedate cts, it was just grandmas car, they hardly believe I can drive a semi, I do prove useful for computer problems though, they just wish I would bake more?)


  1. Yep, I was one of the many following Ashton and Demi live during the countdown. Have to admit it was kind of fun. My hubby thought I had lost my mind.
    Just sent the Twitter gadget link.

  2. THANKS SquirrelQueen, got it as you saw and got it installed on animals blog. I haven't even told my husband I'm on twitter, he has enough problem understanding how I can write about the dog so much.
