Monday, June 29, 2009

Triple Murder Suspect Arrested

You can read about the triple murder of the members of the Leutjen family here.
The Suspect is apprehended here.

It seems the murder suspect is Donnie and Sharon's nephew and they are speculating the motive was robbery. Does this make us feel any safer in our homes around here. Maybe a bit. I know if my nephew wanted money all he would have to do is ask, I'd probably tell him I'm broke but it would be close to the truth. I still lock the door when I'm in the other end of the house. Don't know if this botched robbery was because of the economy or just plain greed. I can't see how the nephew thought he was going to fence anything (most of Donnie's collections were quite famous, hard to fence stuff like that) or that Donnie would just keep money laying around the house but maybe there's more to it than that. They are still looking for other suspects or actually they said "We have evidence that links at least one more, if not multiple suspects to this homicide."

I'm lucky in that I have police officers living next door and we all work different shifts that change, like we have anything worth stealing but....... I know my security system works because the kids have came to the house unexpectedly more than once and been VERY surprised, IE I call the house and ask them what they are doing there or someone comes in in the middle of the night demanding to know WHO'S THERE. Also being known as slightly crazy and having a temper doesn't hurt either? :-)

So I've booked way too much into the next two weeks so my blogging will be on hold mostly. Suddenly realized my drivers license was up for renewal, need birth certificate here in MO now, need to get it because I spent two hours looking for it and nada, nothing. Wienie roast, need to clean house, trip to dentist, and there's that work thing that keeps getting in there.
Got the lawn mowed, yey me!!! but it will need it again soon because we have had like 2 real days totally without rain. Oh yeah, my daughter is coming to visit and I'm squeezing a short trip in there? Mountains of laundry, have to go pick up a vehicle....... better get busy. It's good to be able to walk and do again though! Here's the scoop on my bloodclot on that on Animals That Give Pause, this is the most recent post.


  1. Luckily I feel very safe where we live. But with times the way they are, things are changing fast! Desparate people do desparate things.

  2. What makes it all so scary these days is that the guilty party is usually a family member and not a stranger. But then we have no family in this part of the world so I guess we are safe.

    It sounds like you are going to be super busy for awhile, try not to stress too much. Enjoy a little of the summer. I'm slowing my blogging done a bit too for the next few weeks, so much to do.


  3. You are exactly right MzzLily, desperate people do desperate things. So idiotic. This isn't unusual for this family situation to happen, just not here, to these people.

  4. You try not to stress too much either Judy, my summer starts tomorrow night @ 7 pm!! Family (the good kind) hot dogs, marshmallows, and ice cream sandwiches, if we don't set the pasture on fire all will be well.
    You keep stress free too!!

  5. Wow, catch your breath! I'm glad to hear that you are safe and at ease now. I found you from Jo's blog...and just came over for a quick visit. What is the meaning of the blog caught my attention! <3
