Friday, December 19, 2008

News December 19, 2008

Well it seems that the government is using part of the bailout money for the automakers. Cnn story here.
I was opposed to a full fledged bailout because I didn't think it would work and although I am not pro union or anti union I think the union should have given some concessions, goodness knows the rest of us have. On the other hand if it's an orderly bankruptcy later on and something good comes out of it, it sounds like a good idea?
Ford evidently rejected the offering, link here. They do evidently want a 11 billion dollar line of credit which should keep even ford running I would think? Makes me proud of the old f-150 I have sitting by the house. Guess what I will buy if we EVER dig out of our own personal economic crisis? Since I'm mad at GM and my husband is like phobic about Chrysler it looks like it's either a ford or a toyota tundra pickup. On a side note 90% of tundras were owned by pushy drivers in my estimation when they first came out. Sorry Bocko Dave, you weren't one of em.

The remains that were found close to Caylee's granparents home have been identified as hers. Cnn link.

The weather is nasty period. Snow in Las Vegas and Malibu, Chicago residents told not to drive, 5 inches in NYC, in Boston state workers told to stay home. Links to all these stories here. Cnn story. Here in Florence it's cold, 33 degrees, scuse me 29 degrees, the wind gusted to like 45 mph here earlier today. Garbage cans blew over and makeshift dog house (dog crate with blankets and a tarp covering it and blankets inside) sort of came apart. Gimme a break, dogs have a nice cozy log cabin with straw in it if they get cold but they prefer to stay by the house. Like touching it. Link to NOAA here, type in your city and state and go.....

The electricity went out here last night, the elec company (como) was out here in less than an hour I think, got turned back on and was on like 15 minutes and then went off again. It started going out when it rains? Wasn't really icy last night but was hovering around freezing. Finally about 10:30 it came back on for good. I got a window in my OLD OLD pickup so I can drive it to work so no excuses now for not going to work but it's supposed to be sort of nasty next Tuesday too. My CTS will slide I found out Monday night, someone was on my tail and I hit the turn to our state road too fast. No biggie, it corrected really fast but if the pickup goes in the ditch it's got so many boo boos it really doesn't matter.

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