Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fruitcake for the Masses

I used to make a fruitcake recipe that almost everyone would eat. I haven't made it for years, we have been living in a motor home in MS for a couple years and I forgot last year and am working and blogging this year but thought I would share in case anyone wanted to try it. Boiling or cooking the fruit in the microwave really helps, this will probably be an all day project but you will leave the fruit to cool so you can do other things.
No recipe, find one oneline that has fruit and flour in it, I prefer one that looks like it will come out about 1/3 cake and 2/3 fruit. You'll need raisins, (if you want them, I made with and without) @ least a big can of cherries, a big can of pineapple maybe 2 if you like pineapple, 2 oranges or more and a couple grapefruit, I used to make LARGE quantities of these but this is for one or two large cakes. Peel the oranges and grapefruit, remove as much of the white stuff inside peels as possible and cut peel into slivers, juice the fruit and add whiskey and lots of sugar and boil SEPARATELY or cook till tender and candied. I used to do this on the stove, the microwave is GREAT for doing this, just watch so the mess doesn't boil over in it. How much whiskey? You'll probably have to add more liquid (whiskey) to get the fruit candied so I'd say 1/2 C or 1/4 to start with for the peel, more for the fruit. Do the same for a can of cherries and a can of pineapple, probably adding like 1/2 as much sugar as you have fruit or live a little and dump the sugar on! After you boil your first peel or fruit you will get the hang of it. My husband likes things SWEET so I used lots of sugar. If you are using raisins soak them in whiskey and add about as much sugar as you have raisins and cook down, I don't think I actually "candied" them. Let your fruits and peels cool and make the cake, your candied fruit will be more moist than storebought to say the least so adjust the amount of liquid you use acordingly, reduce by 1/4 if you drain your fruit to 3/4 if you don't drain you fruit, if you want drain the fruit and use that liquid for pouring over cake later thinned down with a bit of whiskey or use it in the cake if it calls for it. Make sure it's done but not like crispy, let cool, maybe dab on a bit of brandy or whiskey while cooling, a little more after it's cooled, store in a cool room and keep dumping on the whiskey, maybe adding sugar to it. I usually make one smaller cake and eat the first piece after it's cooled!!

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