Friday, July 9, 2010

Storm and Landspouts? plus a word from our baby turkey vulture.....

It's rained for days in Missouri.  To be honest it's rained pretty well since March except when it snowed.  It has been a tad dry the last month though but we are in our rainy season again I think.  Yesterday the sun broke through right before the REAL rain hit and I had to take these pictures.  I hate to be melodramatic and mushy but it just about made my heart hurt to see the beauty.
Right after this I'm looking @ the weather map (I could tell you it was because I was concerned about the storm but it was because I was wondering when dish network would come back on and how long it could POSSIBLY stay off).  A tornado warning popped up to the SW of us which is always a cause of interest if not alarm.  It just wasn't tornado weather.  They said they were landspouts and would disappear but should still be watched?  Now I'd heard of a landcane a couple years ago when that hurricane went nuts and decided to regenerate over Oklahoma or something like that but a landspout?  Seems there is such a term and NOAA has decided to use it?
The wikipedia definition is here if anyone is interested.  I'm thinking I've seen a landspout tear up a house once but ......
We didn't have anything but rain and a couple claps of thunder last night, it's a beautiful day today.  I even walked down the hill to the main farm and took video and photos of the RABID HATEFUL SATANIC baby turkey vulture in the barn we found.  There are more videos of the HISSING MONSTER little dear on youtube under ambacrombie.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, those pictures are amazing. It's so green! Over here we've had no rain for ages, so everything looks frizzled and faded. Me included. Haha.
