Monday, June 14, 2010

Silly Photo Contest, Find The Animal

Over on The Road To Here my friend (and extremely talented photographer and blogger and all around nice person.) Judy has a photo contest.  It's one I can enter because it's the SILLY photo contest.

Let me assure you there were many contenders in my files.  From pictures of the dog where you can't see his eyes and he looks like a white rug to pictures of two dogs that were fuzzy but I just kept on taking them to pictures I took of a shed that blew over before it got daylight like it was going somewhere again?  Or the 20 pictures I took of the stuff that had been in the shed and was still sitting in the same place, or the tornadoes that happened that day only you can't see anything in my pictures but maybe bumps in the clouds?  These were all contenders and we are only talking a very small percentage of my pictures here.

The one above won though.  There is an animal there.  You can't see it, the tape is hiding it and the reflection.  It's a snake.  A tiny tiny tiny snake.  We'd just built the wall to finish a garage, it wasn't sealed and evidently the tiny tiny snakes got upset.  So they started coming to visit in the house, UNACCEPTABLE.  I had left some tape accidentally on the bottom of a lamp and it caught one of the snakes.  Therefore OUT comes the super duper packing tape and the dog had to stay out of the corners.  None of this is here nor there.  You can't see anything but a dirty concrete floor and cords and a toy tractor plus a scrap of rug and lots of tape.......I am an animal lover, the snakes have to stay out of my territory though.

If you were looking for landscaping pictures they will have to wait, the SILLY photo contest is ON!!!!


  1. I love it! And all along I thought I was the only one who took photos of things that were there but couldn't be seen.

    Glad you got it sealed up before the little fellows really made themselves at home. I love critters of all kinds too but not in my house without an invitation.

    Maybe I should do this meme on a regular basis if for no other reason than to give you and I an excuse to post some of the photos in our long lost files.

    Thanks for joining in!

  2. Hi
    Good shot!!! I can't count the # of photos I've deleted because what I took a picture of was no longer there.
    Well I'm glad to know where the snake is...whew...I'm sure Madi would have sniffed it out eventually.
    Madi and Mom

  3. I think I am going blind I could not see it. I am sure there is something there I just could not see it.
