Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bathroom Break with Reality

Have you ever walked into a ladies restroom and found a man inside?  I did and it was Monday (proving the cliché` “you know it’s Monday when….”).  Monday morning and five cups of coffee equaled a bathroom stop @ Wal-Mart.  I walked in and said “gentleman” was using the commode as a urinal WITH the door open.  I immediately thought I was having a lyme/menopausal/alzheimer’s moment and promptly walked out and checked the sign at the entrance…..yes it said women’s.  He was walking out about that time (after NOT washing his hands), I’m sure I gave him a strange look as I was walking back in the door!
When I told my husband the story he said he would have immediately told the man he was in the wrong bathroom.  I replied that I didn’t want the man to whirl around (form a mental image here) when he was startled by a woman’s voice in the bathroom.  I thought about it later and the chances he was weird at the very least and a flasher or worse were high.  I did report it to a cashier and she had seen a man deliberately choose a women’s bathroom the day before.
So what would you have done? Would you have screamed, demanded he leave, or tucked tail and checked the sign like I did?